Thursday, July 29, 2010
Friday Blog Hop
Blog hops are a great way to make new friends! You find new blogs to read. Your blog gains followers. I Love Friday. Click the icons below to participate in the blog hop. If you decide to follow me please leave a comment so I can follow you back. If your blog link is not in your profile leave it in the comment. Have a great Friday.
Random Babble
So a lot going on around here...................
My husband got a promotion--Freaking hell yea!!!!!!!!! Wooot woot.
I quit my job of 8 years and am going to be babysitting and working on the computer--More time with the kids,super exited but so many emotions (will be another post)
Don't have enough money to send my four year old to preschool ($200 a week in my area)-- I am doing it at home. Have so many printouts, crafts scheduled, activities planned.
I am going on a girls night on Saturday--Don't know where yet its been so long since Ive gone out. Any ideas??
I have a few reviews and one giveaway coming--Love doing them!
My husband got a promotion--Freaking hell yea!!!!!!!!! Wooot woot.
I quit my job of 8 years and am going to be babysitting and working on the computer--More time with the kids,super exited but so many emotions (will be another post)
Don't have enough money to send my four year old to preschool ($200 a week in my area)-- I am doing it at home. Have so many printouts, crafts scheduled, activities planned.
I am going on a girls night on Saturday--Don't know where yet its been so long since Ive gone out. Any ideas??
I have a few reviews and one giveaway coming--Love doing them!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Things I find myself saying every day
Sometimes as a mom I feel like a parrot. Repeating myself constantly. Saying the same thing over and over again daily. Polly wants a cracker. I dont think so. Mommy wants coffee. Here are things I find myself saying everyday.
1. More coffee-this ones in my head
2. Please use your inside voice
3. I love you-favorite thing I say
4. Seriously
5. Beakfast time, lunch time, dinner time, bath time
6. Nap time,bed time
7.NO-3 kids under five no is said alot
8. Keep your hands feet all all other objects to your self
9. Your sooo cute come here let me kiss your cheekys
10. Awe your my best friend too-my daughter always tells me mom your my best friend
11.I love you-needed to put it again grin
12.What-sometimes hard to figure out what they are saying
13.Rock a baby- one of the only words my one year old says is baby I hold him and rock him and say rock a baby. Now he rocks pretend babies and he comes uop to me baby baby baby then puts hands up so I can rock him
14. Tickle tickle
15. We need to share
There is a lot more. Ill save it for another post. What are things you find yourself saying daily?
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Blog Hop Friday
Blog hops are a great way to make new friends! You find new blogs to read. Your blog gains followers. I Love Friday. Click the icons below to participate in the blog hop. If you decide to follow me please leave a comment so I can follow you back. If your blog link is not in your profile leave it in the comment. Have a great Friday.
Wedding Song
My wedding song was Angel by Sarah McLachlan. I have been with my husband since I was fifteen. When we were younger and dating ,we watched the movie City of Angels. That's when we decided that Angel was are song as a couple. Funny weird puppy love thing. Years later, when we were engaged deciding on every little thing, I asked , "What are we going to have as our wedding song"? He looked at me like I was stupid and said, "Our song!!!!" That's what I was hoping for but things change over time you know!
I know this song has underlined meaning to it. But to me, it reminds me how much we were in love when we were teens. If you have ever seen the movie City of Angels you know it shows what you would do for love. Now we are older and still in love.
I know this song has underlined meaning to it. But to me, it reminds me how much we were in love when we were teens. If you have ever seen the movie City of Angels you know it shows what you would do for love. Now we are older and still in love.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
This picture makes me laugh! My two older kids decided to sneak a cookie out of the pantry. They left behind some evidence. At least they shared.
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, July 19, 2010
Coffee, computer, and telling the truth oh my!
Some lessons you learn the hard way. I usually start my mornings with a cup of coffee. Yes, I love me some coffee in the mornings. Its how I survive.
Two mornings ago, I was drinking my cup of coffee while I was reading some blogs. Yes, I was drinking coffee next to my laptop (the only computer in the house). In the blink of an eye, my cup of coffee knocked over , spilling over my lovely lap top. Ithink I said SHIT out loud grabbed towels in a hurry and was trying to save my lap top.
My four year old son came over to see what was going on. I tried explaining to him that mom was cleaning a mess. Please stay back. I love you, mom is mad at herself not you. Please stay back until the mess is cleaned. My son said, Is dad going to be mad? Are you in big trouble? In my head I was thing ya dad is going to be mad and am in huge freaking trouble. I told him that sometimes accidents happen and that it might make some people upset but they will understand that sometimes accidents happen.
I kept cleaning and drying out the laptop. After I was all done and the laptop was put away in hope that it might kind of work again someday. My son came back to me and sat on my lap and asked, Mom are you going to tell dad the truth? How did my four year old even come up with this? I told him that it is always the best to tell the truth no matter what.
My husband was really understanding! Thank God! Guess what I am using to write my blog post? My laptop. Its not completely fried like I thought. The keys are a little sticky and the screen has this weird mark on it, but it works. Yea! It is still usable.
Lesson learned: Do NOT drink coffee by the laptop
Two mornings ago, I was drinking my cup of coffee while I was reading some blogs. Yes, I was drinking coffee next to my laptop (the only computer in the house). In the blink of an eye, my cup of coffee knocked over , spilling over my lovely lap top. I
My four year old son came over to see what was going on. I tried explaining to him that mom was cleaning a mess. Please stay back. I love you, mom is mad at herself not you. Please stay back until the mess is cleaned. My son said, Is dad going to be mad? Are you in big trouble? In my head I was thing ya dad is going to be mad and am in huge freaking trouble. I told him that sometimes accidents happen and that it might make some people upset but they will understand that sometimes accidents happen.
I kept cleaning and drying out the laptop. After I was all done and the laptop was put away in hope that it might kind of work again someday. My son came back to me and sat on my lap and asked, Mom are you going to tell dad the truth? How did my four year old even come up with this? I told him that it is always the best to tell the truth no matter what.
My husband was really understanding! Thank God! Guess what I am using to write my blog post? My laptop. Its not completely fried like I thought. The keys are a little sticky and the screen has this weird mark on it, but it works. Yea! It is still usable.
Lesson learned: Do NOT drink coffee by the laptop
lessons learned,
Friday, July 16, 2010
Friday Blog Hops
Blog hops are a great way to make new friends! You find new blogs to read. Your blog gains followers. I Love Friday. Click the icons below to participate in the blog hop. If you decide to follow me please leave a comment so I can follow you back. If your blog link is not in your profile leave it in the comment. Have a great Friday.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
She loves dressing up. Its an almost daily thing. She is so freaking adorable. Look at that face! I think when she is a teen, I am going to be in big huge trouble.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Free Samples and Coupons
I love free samples! But only the ones that are completely free. I don't want to buy something or complete an offer. Here are a couple I found.
Free sample of Dove Daily Treatment Conditioner
Purex 3 in Dryer Sheets
Whats the next best thing to free stuff? Cheap stuff! Here are a few coupons that I found.
$0.50 off skinny cow
$1.00 off Ocean Spray
Free sample of Dove Daily Treatment Conditioner
Purex 3 in Dryer Sheets
Whats the next best thing to free stuff? Cheap stuff! Here are a few coupons that I found.
$0.50 off skinny cow
$1.00 off Ocean Spray
Monday, July 12, 2010
Strawberry Milano® cookies
Grand Prize is a “bushel” (case) of irresistibly delectable new Strawberry Milano® cookies! You could be one of 1,000 winners! This sweepstakes is open to Milano fans only, click the “Like” button on the Facebook Page before entering.
Get a coupon for 55¢ off Strawberry Milano cookies here
Friday, July 9, 2010
Friendly Friday
Do you love making new blog friends? Than join Friendly Friday. Friendly Friday celebration is hosted by Christi at Frugal Novice, Xenia at Thanks Mail Carrier and Charla at Healthy Home Blog! Follow the hosts(first three slots) and whoever else you like! Leave a comment so they know your following and they will follow you back. If you follow me please leave me a comment with your blog link.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Fourth of July Fun
Sounds like loads of fun, right? The husband and I loaded the three kids, dog, and everything to accommodate us to go up north to his grandma's cabin. Cooler weather, huge craft show, and all we had to do is pay for gas to get up there. Awsome family fun for a few days and on a great budget! What could go wrong? . . . . . . . .
1. Three fourths the way up there my daughter started puking everywhere.Windy roads and my daughter didn't mix well. Yes very gross. Skipping details.
2. My dog doesn't like being out of her environment. She wouldn't eat, drink, or go to the bathroom.
3. In the middle of the first (and ended up being our only) night my youngest son woke up screaming, was the result of a high fever. Poor boy! Thank goodness I had infant Motrin packed.
After the bigger kids woke up we decided it was best to load everything and head home. So basically we drove there and back with a few crazy thing in between. Things got worse when we got home but I'll save that for another post.
1. Three fourths the way up there my daughter started puking everywhere.Windy roads and my daughter didn't mix well. Yes very gross. Skipping details.
2. My dog doesn't like being out of her environment. She wouldn't eat, drink, or go to the bathroom.
3. In the middle of the first (and ended up being our only) night my youngest son woke up screaming, was the result of a high fever. Poor boy! Thank goodness I had infant Motrin packed.
After the bigger kids woke up we decided it was best to load everything and head home. So basically we drove there and back with a few crazy thing in between. Things got worse when we got home but I'll save that for another post.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Friendly Friday
Its Friendly Friday! Click the icon below to visit the host's site. Add your link to the Mr Linky. Then start blog hopping. Follow someone new and leave them a comment so they can follow you back. Make sure when you leave a comment that you leave your blog link.